Nothing's Permanent: A lesson learned from Toy Story 3

I just watched Toy Story 3... funny that in all animated movies, i got so teary-eyed when Andy left all of his toys to Bony. Those toys have been with him through the years... they have been played by him all his childhood years. These toys were the unnoticed witnesses of Andy's journey.. happiness, sadness and tears. And for me, honestly, watching this animated film, i never thought i will shed a tear.. but i did.

i just want a feel-good-movie, and browsing through my hard drive, i decided to check this out. After the one hour and a half watching, I can totally relate. if only i could be with all the people  i love always and never let go. But life isn't like that. All things are impermanent, just like Andy's toys. He cannot have all of them forever... but though things and situations may change, memories will still remain. no matter how friends and people come and go.. how they have touched your life will still remain... tsk.. tsk.. tsk...i had a hard time with these kind of stuffs. (*sigh)

the truth is, my most hated part in this life's journey, is the unwanted scene of parting ways and saying goodbye. i cling so much on people and relationships...

But this movie taught me one thing: That in this world, nothing is permanent.
The only permanent thing on earth is change... but though this is an irrevocable  reality, what is more important is that, people...friends and relationships may leave you but memories remain and whatever happens, no one could remove the smile they had put on your face and the memories they have engraved in your heart.

Things may become sad at times... but as days go by, you'll realize that this experiences were actually a part of us-- being a work in progress, -- to become a better version of ourselves.

this is just one of the sad realities of life... so much for this i have to keep my day going...

how do you cope up with loss... with change? will that change, make you or break you?
think about it...

Toy Story 3 image came from Google Images


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